Haven't updated the blog in awhile! Opps!
So a quick catch up on what's been going on...
NZ 2011 Season:
The NZ ski season started out brilliant! I was fit, strong, healthy and pumped to win some races! Training at the beginning of the season was awesome - I had been training in America for the summer (2010-11) and didn't realize how much my technique had improved! It wasn't until I was back with TCRA (Treble Cone Race Academy) that the coaches started commenting on how great my skiing was, especially compared to the past NZ season. This boosted my confidence and it wasn't long until I was invited to have my first training session with the 'elite' TCRA team. I had been busting my butt to have this opportunity and so was over the moon when it came round!! After a few warm-up runs we were all ready in the slalom start to begin our training. I was 2nd to run the course and a bit nervous as it had snowed that night so conditions were a little sketchy. But like they say - you need to train in all conditions, so I wasn't going to let soft snow get to me (even though I had perfectly sharped edges.. opps!). Sure enough it was tough and a challenge to make it down, but I wanted to prove to the coaches that they had made the right decision in allowing me to train with the elite team, so giving up was NOT an option. Unfortunately this attitude can get me into trouble sometimes... I had 3 gates to go and was horribly in the back seat, the intelligent thing to do would have been to let it go and ski out. But that's not how my mind works - I by some miracle managed to make it round the last few gates but as I did I was thrown back and felt an awful 'POP' in my right knee.
A spasm of pain surged through my body, but then I stood up and felt almost fine... although I knew something wasn't quite right.
I tried to ski for a few more weeks after this incident and things began to go downhill. I was consistently crashing in courses, and on quite a few occasions my knee popped out while I was skiing. So I started to accept that something wasn't right and I needed a specialist to have a look at my knee.
Sure enough my surgeon had a look and confirmed that I had re-ruptured my ACL. Deep down I had the feeling that it was torn all along, but I guess that my theory was if I can walk/ski I'm fine so why make a fuss?!
After my injury was confirmed I figured that I couldn't change it so I might as well move on and do my best to make a come-back!
Leading up to surgery I worked with my trainer to build my muscle strength up as much as possible. And boy it made a difference!! After I had my surgery (27th September) I was only on crutches for about 2 weeks and then it wasn't long after that that I was walking!
A BIG thank you to Ian Penny and his surgery for understanding how important it is for me to get back on snow and performing my surgery so quickly!
New Beginnings:
Since having my surgery I have moved down to Wanaka to do my rehab with Wanaka Physio. I figured that this would be the best place for me to get back up to full strength and fitness.
I have only been here a few days but loving every minute of it already!! Physio has begun and I'm confident with how I will progress, I am living with awesome flat mates who loves the outdoors and exercising so I'm excited to join in with them and embrace the Wanaka environment!
I have my uni exams in a week and a bit nervous about that but have been studying hard so hopefully my results show that.
I guess that's about everything for now. I will keep my blog updated and let you know how the progress is going with my knee as I am aiming to make it to America for some spring camps to get time on snow before the NZ season :D
Below is a photo of Wanaka - had some fresh snow on the mts yesterday.. in November!!
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